SZTAKI HLT | Emergency Vocabulary

Emergency Vocabulary

Dávid Márk Nemeskey, András Kornai
In Information Systems Frontiers (20/5), 2018


For disaster preparedness, a key aspect of the work is the identification, ahead of time, of the vocabulary of emergency messages. Here we describe how static repositories of traditional news reports can be rapidly exploited to yield disaster- or accident-implicated words and named entities.

@Article{	  Nemeskey:2018,
  author	= {Nemeskey, Dávid Márk and Kornai, András},
  title		= {Emergency Vocabulary},
  journal	= {Information Systems Frontiers (ISF)},
  volume	= {20},
  number	= {5},
  pages		= {909--923},
  year		= {2018},
  publisher	= {Springer},
  url		= {},
  doi		= {10.1007/s10796-018-9843-x},
  issn		= {1387-3326}