SZTAKI HLT | Fogalmak fontossága a definíciós gráf vizsgálatával [Importance of concepts based on the analysis of the definition graph]

Fogalmak fontossága a definíciós gráf vizsgálatával [Importance of concepts based on the analysis of the definition graph]

Márton Makrai
In VII. Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Doktoranduszkonferencia, 2013


Mihalcea, Tarau, and Figa (2004) applied Page Rank to semantic networks. In this paper (written in Hungarian), we performed similar computations on the graph of hand-written definitions in 4lang.

    author = {Makrai, Márton},
    title = {Fogalmak fontossága a definíciós gráf vizsgálatával [Importance of concepts based on the analysis of the definition graph]},
    booktitle = {VII. Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Doktoranduszkonferencia},
    url = {},
    year = {2013},
    editor = {Váradi, Tamás},
    isbn = {978-963-9074-59-0},
    publisher = {MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet Budapest}