SZTAKI HLT | Publications of Péter Halácsy

Publications of Péter Halácsy


A. Kornai, P. Halácsy: Google for the linguist on a budget. in Proc. 4th Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC-4). 2008 D. Varga, P. Halácsy, A. Kornai, V. Tron, L. Németh, V. Tron: Parallel corpora for medium density languages. in Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing IV. Selected papers from RANLP-05. 2007 P. Halácsy, A. Kornai, C. Oravecz: HunPos: an open source trigram tagger. in Proc. ACL 2007 Demo and Poster Sessions. 2007 P. Halácsy, A. Kornai, C. Oravecz, V. Trón, D. Varga: Using a morphological analyzer in high precision POS tagging of Hungarian. in Proc. LREC 2006. 2006 V. Trón, P. Halácsy, P. Rebrus, A. Rung, P. Vajda, E. Simon: Morphdb. hu: Hungarian lexical database and morphological grammar. in Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. 2006 A. Kornai, P. Halácsy, V. Trón, C. Oravecz, V. Trón, D. Varga: Web-based frequency dictionaries for medium density languages. in Proc. 2nd Web as Corpus Wkshp (EACL 2006 WS01). 2006 V. Trón, G. Gyepesi, P. Halácsy, A. Kornai, L. Németh, D. Varga: Hunmorph: open source word analysis. in Proceedings of the ACL 2005 Software Workshop. 2005 L. Németh, V. Trón, P. Halácsy, A. Kornai, A. Rung, I. Szakadát: Leveraging the open source ispell codebase for minority language analysis. in Proc. SALTMIL. 2004 P. Halácsy, A. Kornai, L. Németh, A. Kornai, I. Szakadát, V. Trón: Creating open language resources for Hungarian. in Proceedings of the 4th international conference onLanguage Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004). 2004 L. Németh, P. Halácsy, A. Kornai, V. Tron: Open source morphological analyzer. in Proc MSZNY 2004. 2004




