SZTAKI HLT | The impact of inflection on word vectors

The impact of inflection on word vectors

Dániel Lévai, András Kornai
In MSZNY 2019, 2019


We present a method to evaluate the similarity of word vector clusters, and use it to determine the coherence (self-similarity) and relatedness of morphologically defined clusters.

@InProceedings{	  Levai:2019,
  booktitle	= {XV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia},
  city		= {Szeged},
  year		= {2019},
  pages.          = {249--261},
  month		= {January},
  title		= {The impact of inflection on word vectors},
  author	= {Dániel Lévai and Andr\'as Kornai}