SZTAKI HLT | Structure Learning in Weighted Languages

Structure Learning in Weighted Languages

András Kornai, Attila Zséder, Gábor Recski
In Proceedings of the 13th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language (MoL 13), 2013

    author    = {Kornai, Andr\'as  and  Zs\'{e}der, Attila  and  Recski, G\'{a}bor},
    title     = {Structure Learning in Weighted Languages},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language (MoL 13)},
    month     = {August},
    year      = {2013},
    address   = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
    publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
    pages     = {72--82},
    url       = {}