Gábor Recski
Gábor has been working on natural language technologies since 2008, when as a linguistics major at SEAS and TLP he learned to code from HP and Dániel and started working at MOKK. After a year of developing on the sequential tagger HunTag, he joined András's group at the (then still independent) SZTAKI, where he spent 4 years working on various NLP projects, including a hybrid NP-chunker, a tool for entity linking, a learner of weighted grammars, and a system for natural language understanding based on the 4lang theory of semantics. After spending 15 months at Cliqz, Gábor continued work on the 4lang library, the main topic of his dissertation, as a junior researcher at the (then still independent) Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. After finishing his dissertation in 2016, Gábor joined the faculty of BME AUT, where he continued working on graph-based models of semantics and taught an introductory course in NLP. In the fall of 2018 he moved to Vienna and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at TU Wien.

gabor.recski at tuwien dot ac dot at
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