Kornai András
Kornai az MTA SZTAKI tudományos tanácsadója és a Műegyetem Algebra Tanszék egyetemi tanára

Teljes publikációs lista
Legfrissebb publikációk
A. Kornai:
Dyadic negation in natural language.
In Acta Linguistica Academica.
A. Kornai:
A. Kornai:
What is the simplest semantics imaginable?.
In From fieldwork to linguistic theory: A tribute to Dan Everett.
A. Kornai:
Kálmán László Frege-felfogása (Laszlo Kalman's interpretation of Frege).
In Nyelvtudományi Közlemények.
J. Ács,
E. Hamerlik,
R. Schwartz,
N. Smith,
A. Kornai:
Morphosyntactic probing of multilingual BERT models.
In Natural Language Engineering.
A. Kornai:
Poliszémia politópokkal.
In Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok.
A. Kornai:
Deception by default.
In Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence (PTAI 2021).
Á. Kovács,
K. Gémes,
A. Kornai,
G. Recski:
Explainable lexical entailment with semantic graphs.
In Natural Language Engineering.
A. Kornai:
Vector semantics.
J. Ács,
D. Lévai,
D. Nemeskey,
A. Kornai:
Evaluating Contextualized Language Models for Hungarian.
In XVII. Magyar SzámítógépesNyelvészeti Konferencia.
J. Ács,
D. Lévai,
A. Kornai:
Evaluating Transferability of BERT Models on Uralic Languages.
In Seventh International Workshop for Computational Linguistics of Uralic Languages (IWCLUL 2021).
J. Ács,
Á. Kádár,
A. Kornai:
Subword Pooling Makes a Difference.
In 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL21).
A. Kornai:
Vocabulary: common or basic?.
G. Recski,
Á. Kovács,
K. Gémes,
J. Ács,
A. Kornai:
BME-TUW at SR'20: Lexical grammar induction for surface realization.
In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation (MSR 2020).
Á. Kovács,
K. Gémes,
G. Recski,
A. Kornai:
BMEAUT at SemEval-2020 Task 2: Lexical entailment with semantic graphs.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation.
Á. Kovács,
J. Ács,
A. Kornai,
G. Recski:
Better Together: Modern methods plus traditional thinking in NP alignment.
In In Proceedings of 12th Edition of its Language Resources and Evaluation Conference..
J. Ács,
A. Kornai:
The Role of Interpretable Patterns in Deep Learning for Morphology.
In XVI. Magyar SzámítógépesNyelvészeti Konferencia.
A. Kornai:
Az ellenforradalmár.
In Nyelv, biológia, szabadság. A 90 éves Chomsky jelentősége a tudományban és azon túl.
Á. Kovács,
E. Ács,
J. Ács,
A. Kornai,
G. Recski:
BME-UW at SR'19: Surface realization with Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Multilingual Surface Rea lisation (MSR), 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP).
A. Kornai:
G. Borbély,
A. Kornai:
Sentence Length.
In Proceedings of the 16th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language.
D. Lévai,
A. Kornai:
The impact of inflection on word vectors.
In MSZNY 2019.
A. Kornai:
Truth or dare.
In Tokens of Meaning: Papers in Honor of Lauri Karttunen.
D. Nemeskey,
A. Kornai:
Emergency Vocabulary.
In Information Systems Frontiers (20/5).
J. Ács,
G. Borbély,
M. Makrai,
D. Nemeskey,
G. Recski,
A. Kornai:
Hibrid nyelvtechnológiák.
In Magyar Tudomány 2018/6.
A. Kornai:
A. Kornai,
I. Szekrényes:
Az e-magyar beszédarchívum.
In XIII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia.
J. Ács,
K. Pajkossy,
A. Kornai:
Digital vitality of Uralic languages.
In Acta Linguistica 64/3.
J. Ács,
D. Nemeskey,
A. Kornai:
Identification of Disaster-implicated Named Entities.
In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Exploitation of Social Media for Emergency Relief and Preparedness.
G. Borbély,
A. Kornai,
M. Kracht,
D. Nemeskey:
Denoising composition in distributional semantics.
In 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information.
A. Kornai,
D. Nemeskey,
G. Recski:
Detecting Optional Arguments of Verbs.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016).
J. Ács,
A. Kornai:
Evaluating embeddings on dictionary-based similarity.
In RepEval @ ACL 2016.
G. Borbély,
A. Kornai,
M. Makrai,
D. Nemeskey:
Evaluating multi-sense embeddings for semantic resolution monolingually and in word translation.
In repeval.
G. Recski,
E. Iklódi,
K. Pajkossy,
A. Kornai:
Measuring semantic similarity of words using concept networks.
In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP.
A. Kornai,
J. Ács,
M. Makrai,
D. Nemeskey,
K. Pajkossy,
G. Recski:
Competence in lexical semantics.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics.
A. Kornai,
M. Kracht:
Lexical Semantics and Model Theory: Together at Last?.
In Proc. MOL 2015.
A. Kornai:
Realizing monads.
In Hungarian Review of Philosophy.
A. Kornai:
Bounding the impact of AGI.
In Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.
A. Kornai:
Corpus-based Population of a Mid-level Business Ontology.
In Proc MSZNY X.
A. Kornai:
Euclidean Automata.
In Implementing Selves with Safe Motivational Systems and Self-Improvement.
A. Kornai:
Finite automata with continuous input.
In Short Papers from the Sixth Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications.
A. Kornai,
P. Bhattacharyya:
Indian Subcontinent Language Vitalization.
In Proc. 2014 LREC Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation (WILDRE2).
A. Kornai:
Resolving the infinitude controversy.
In Journal of Logic Language and Information.
A. Kornai,
M. Makrai:
A 4lang fogalmi szótár.
In IX. Magyar Számitógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia.
M. Makrai,
D. Nemeskey,
A. Kornai:
Applicative structure in vector space models.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Continuous Vector Space Models and their Compositionality.
J. Ács,
K. Pajkossy,
A. Kornai:
Building basic vocabulary across 40 languages.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora.
A. Kornai:
Digital language death.
In PloS one.
D. Nemeskey,
G. Recski,
M. Makrai,
A. Zséder,
A. Kornai:
Spreading activation in language understanding.
In Proc. CSIT 2013.
A. Kornai,
A. Zséder,
G. Recski:
Structure Learning in Weighted Languages.
In Proceedings of the 13th Meeting on the Mathematics of Language (MoL 13).
A. Kornai,
G. Penn,
J. Rogers,
A. Yli-Jyrä:
The mathematics of language learning.
In Proceedings of the Conference 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Companion Volume.
T. Yasseri,
A. Kornai,
J. Kertész:
A practical approach to language complexity: a Wikipedia case study.
T. Yasseri,
R. Sumi,
A. Kornai,
A. Kornai,
J. Kertész:
Dynamics of conflicts in Wikipedia.
In PloS ONE.
T. Yasseri,
R. Sumi,
A. Kornai,
A. Kornai,
J. Kertész:
Dynamics of conflicts in Wikipedia.
In PloS ONE.
P. Rebrus,
A. Kornai,
D. Varga:
Egy általános célú morfológiai annotáció.
In Általános {N}yelvészeti {T}anulmányok.
A. Kornai:
Eliminating ditransitives.
In Revised and Selected Papers from the 15th and 16th Formal Grammar Conferences.
A. Zséder,
G. Recski,
D. Varga,
A. Kornai:
Rapid creation of large-scale corpora and frequency dictionaries.
In Proceedings to LREC 2012.
R. Sumi,
T. Yasseri,
A. Kornai,
A. Kornai,
J. Kertész:
Edit wars in Wikipedia.
In Privacy, security, risk and trust (passat), 2011 ieee third international conference on and 2011 ieee third international conference on social computing (socialcom).
R. Sumi,
T. Yasseri,
A. Kornai,
A. Kornai,
J. Kertész:
Edit wars in Wikipedia.
In Privacy, security, risk and trust (passat), 2011 ieee third international conference on and 2011 ieee third international conference on social computing (socialcom).
A. Yli-Jyrä,
A. Kornai:
Finite state methods and models in natural language processing.
In Natural Language Engineering 17.
A. Kornai:
Probabilistic grammars and languages.
In Journal of Logic, Language, and Information.
D. Nemeskey,
G. Recski,
A. Zséder,
A. Kornai:
In Proceedings of TAC 2010.
G. Recski,
A. Kornai,
A. Zséder,
A. Kornai:
NP Alignment in Bilingual Corpora.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10).
G. Recski,
A. Kornai,
A. Zséder,
A. Kornai:
NP Alignment in Bilingual Corpora.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10).
A. Kornai:
Rekurzívak-e a természetes nyelvek?.
In Magyar Tudomány.
A. Kornai:
The algebra of lexical semantics.
In Proceedings of the 11th Mathematics of Language Workshop.
A. Kornai:
The treatment of ordinary quantification in English proper.
In Hungarian Review of Philosophy.
G. Recski,
D. Varga,
A. Zséder,
A. Kornai:
Főnévi csoportok azonosítása magyar-angol párhuzamos korpuszban.
In VI. Magyar Számitógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia [6th Hungarian Conference on Computational Linguistics].
J. Frank,
A. Kornai:
Methods of Systems Using Geographic Meta-Metadata in Information Retrieval and Document Displays.
A. Kornai:
The complexity of phonology.
In Linguistic Inquiry.
A. Kornai,
P. Halácsy:
Google for the linguist on a budget.
In Proc. 4th Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC-4).
A. Kornai:
On the proper definition of information.
In Living, Working and Learning beyond Technology: Conference Proceedings of ETHICOMP 2008.
P. Németh,
A. Kornai,
P. Németh,
D. Varga:
Parallel Creation of Gigaword Corpora for Medium Density Languages-an Interim Report..
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
C. Oravecz:
HunPos: an open source trigram tagger.
In Proc. ACL 2007 Demo and Poster Sessions.
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
P. Németh,
D. Varga:
Magyar Webkorpusz II.
In Proc. MSZNY 2007.
A. Kornai:
Mathematical linguistics.
D. Varga,
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
V. Tron,
L. Németh,
V. Tron:
Parallel corpora for medium density languages.
In Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing IV. Selected papers from RANLP-05.
A. Kornai:
Evaluating geographic information retrieval.
In Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories.
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
C. Oravecz,
V. Trón,
D. Varga:
Using a morphological analyzer in high precision POS tagging of Hungarian.
In Proc. LREC 2006.
A. Kornai,
P. Halácsy,
V. Trón,
C. Oravecz,
V. Trón,
D. Varga:
Web-based frequency dictionaries for medium density languages.
In Proc. 2nd Web as Corpus Wkshp (EACL 2006 WS01).
L. Németh,
P. Halácsy,
B. Sass,
A. Vonyó,
D. Varga,
T. Váradi,
A. Kornai:
A Hunglish korpusz és szótár.
V. Trón,
G. Gyepesi,
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
L. Németh,
D. Varga:
Hunmorph: open source word analysis.
In Proceedings of the ACL 2005 Software Workshop.
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
D. Varga:
Morfológiai egyértelműsítés maximum entrópia módszerrel.
In III. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia.
A. Kornai,
L. Stone:
Automatic translation to controlled medical vocabularies.
In Innovations in intelligent systems and applications.
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
L. Németh,
A. Kornai,
I. Szakadát,
V. Trón:
Creating open language resources for Hungarian.
In Proceedings of the 4th international conference onLanguage Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004).
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
L. Németh,
A. Kornai,
I. Szakadát,
V. Trón:
Creating open language resources for Hungarian.
In Proceedings of the 4th international conference onLanguage Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004).
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
L. Németh,
A. Rung,
I. Szakadát,
V. Trón,
D. Varga:
Hunglish: nyílt statisztikai magyar-angol gépi nyersfordító.
In II. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia.
L. Németh,
V. Trón,
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
A. Rung,
I. Szakadát:
Leveraging the open source ispell codebase for minority language analysis.
L. Németh,
P. Halácsy,
A. Kornai,
V. Tron:
Open source morphological analyzer.
In Proc MSZNY 2004.
P. Rebrus,
V. Trón,
A. Kornai,
P. Vajda,
P. Halácsy,
A. Rung:
Általános célú morfológiai elemző kimeneti formátuma.
In II. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia.
Jelentésalapú nyelvtechnológia
Summer Institute for Linguistics
Morfológia felügyeletlen tanulása
nyelvek digitális életereje
emOSA nyílt beszédarchívum
4lang fogalmi szótár
Digitális Nyelvhalál (DLD)
Hokoto kétnyelvű szótár
hun* eszközlánc
4lang fogalmi szótár
Digitális Nyelvhalál (DLD)
Hokoto kétnyelvű szótár
hun* eszközlánc
PhD hallgatók
Ács Judit
Borbély Gábor
Makrai Márton
Recski Gábor
Nemeskey Dávid Márk
Simon Eszter
Varga Dániel